2018 Goals
Follow my blog with Bloglovin When my website crashed at the end of 2016, I lost many of the more recent posts I had finished – including my list of 2017 goals. Being the super organized, highly responsible person that I am…I have no...
A Late Goodbye to 2017
It’s February 6th and I’m just now, finally, starting to find my blog mojo again. That’s not to say that 2017 was a terrible year – in fact, I’m actually going to say that 2017 was one of my best years. To me, it’s...
We Did It!
Phew. I feel like I’ve barely had time to breath! For those of you who follow Because Pony on social media, you’ll have seen the news already. But for those who might not follow us, here’s a quick update: Thank you a thousand...
Pony Cup 2017 – HERE WE COME
You’re currently reading the words of someone who is, quite possibly, the luckiest and most excited human being on the planet at this moment. Ever since I first took the job at Deer Haven, I wanted to attend the National Dressage Pony Cup with...
The Making of a Character
Like so many people, I’ve had book ideas floating around in my head from a very young age. When I was little, I used to write and illustrate short stories all the time – often featuring my pet mice (yes, I had mice…and gerbils…I...